
This dataset contains both spatial data on the sizes, shapes, and locations of the iron-oxides in the synthetic sample used to provide the proof-of-concept of MMT, and the magnetic surface scans for the study of de Groot et al., 2018. This sample, and hence this dataset, was also used for e.g. de Groot et al., 2021 and Cortés-Ortuño et al., 2021.

Read me information

Cuboids.txt: contains a list of grains defined by groups of cuboids. x, y, and z define the midpoint of each cuboid that has sides 2a, 2b, and 2c, in the x, y, and z direction respectively, all dimensions are given in micrometers; the last column specifies the grain to which the cuboid belongs (particle index).

SSM_random_state.txt: contains the results of the Scanning SQUID Magnetometer (SSM) scan of the sample in Tesla in its ‘random’ state, with increasing x-coordinates in the horizontal direction, and increasing y coordinates in the vertical direction, using a step size of 1 micrometer in both directions.

SSM_ARM_state.txt: contains the results of the SSM scan of the sample in Tesla after imparting an Anhystertic Remanent Magnetisation (ARM), with increasing x-coordinates in the horizontal direction, and increasing y coordinates in the vertical direction, using a step size of 1 micrometer in both directions.